Our Fall 2024 Season will end on Sunday, December 22, 2024.
Stop by between now and then to see our collection of Art, Fine Crafts, Gifts, and Holiday Goods.
Special pricing for the holidays!
Our physical showroom is located at 25 Woodbury Street in South Hamilton. Click here for directions.
Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10 to 4
Sunday from 12 to 4
Other times by chance or appointment.
Also: at this time we are not selling online. We hope to re-launch the e-commerce website in 2025.
Check back here for updates and other news!
We opened our showroom in 2008. At that time, we primarily featured art from the far north. Although we still represent northern art, our current collection has a broader focus and includes a variety of art, fine craft, jewelry, and gifts.
Tim Christensen
Tim works in black and white sgrafitto (also known as "scrafitto") porcelain,...
Yup'ik Carvings
The Yup'ik PeopleThe Yup'ik are a group of indigenous peoples native to...
Seth Fitts
Seth Fitts is an artist and illustrator currently residing in Georgia. He...
Richard Fisher's Handcast Bells
During the 2015 holiday season, we had a special show that included...
Tabbatha Henry Porcelain
Tabbatha Henry has been working with clay for over thirty years. Her...
Diana Sudyka
Diana Sudyka has illustrated several books from children. When not working in her studio,...
Sámi Reindeer Leather Bracelets

Erika Honig's Sámi Reindeer Leather Bracelets
The Bracelets Sámi artisans have been making bracelets from reindeer leather for hundreds...

Please check our Events, News & More page for information about current, upcoming, and past events, as well as other information.
Events, News & More
From Saturday, November 16 through Sunday, December 22, 2019, True North Gallery presents Winter Solstice, a group exhibition featuring the work of Juliana Boyd, Leslie Doherty, Diana Sudyka, Delbert Charging-Crow,...
From Saturday, November 16 through Sunday, December 22, 2019, True North Gallery presents Winter Solstice, a group exhibition featuring the work of Juliana Boyd, Leslie Doherty, Diana Sudyka, Delbert Charging-Crow,...
Geoff Ross' Carved Panels
Just as any calligrapher brings his or her own approach to a particular lettering style, Geoff has his own “hand” when he uses formline design. . .
Geoff Ross' Carved Panels
Just as any calligrapher brings his or her own approach to a particular lettering style, Geoff has his own “hand” when he uses formline design. . .