2017 Holiday Open House at True North!
Please join us on Saturday & Sunday, November 18 & 19 from 10AM to 5PM, for our annual Holiday Open House!
FEATURING: Holiday Decor, Frasier Fir Candles, Tabbatha Henry Porcelain, Ugone & Thomas Lighting, Erika Honig Jewelry, Red Staggerwing Bags, Rough & Tumble Bags, Spencer Peterman Bowls, Chandler 4 Corners Pillows, Library of Flowers Small Batch Perfumery, Native American & Canadian First Nations Art, Jewelry, Cards, Books, and more!
Art by Sarah Becktel, Sandy Clift, Seth Fitts, Eli Halpin, Catherine Hyde, Deb Kirkeeide, Jackie Morris, Kristiana Parn, Judy Paul, Elizabeth See, Diana Sudyka, Michael Updike, and others.
For directions to True North: https://truenorthgallery.net/pages/
We hope to see you during the winter holiday season!
Holiday Hours (Starting November 15):
Wednesdays & Thursdays: 10 to 3
Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays: 10 to 5
Note: We will be closed Thanksgiving Day, but open the Wednesday before, from 10 to 3 and the Friday after, from 11 to 5. Happy Thanksgiving!